This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !

Diferencia entre revisiones de «Help»

De Board Game Arena
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(Actualización de la versión en ingles del 18/09/2021)
(Actualización de la versión en inglés del 12:28, 25 Octubre 2021)
(No se muestran 6 ediciones intermedias del mismo usuario)
Línea 28: Línea 28:
* [[Gamehelpabandonallartichokes|¿Alcachofas? ¡No, Gracias!]]
* [[Gamehelpabandonallartichokes|¿Alcachofas? ¡No, Gracias!]]
* [[Gamehelpabyss|Abyss]]
* [[Gamehelpabyss|Abyss]]
* [[Gamehelpagricola|Agricola]]
* [[Gamehelpalhambra|Alhambra]]
* [[Gamehelpalhambra|Alhambra]]
* [[Gamehelpalveole|Alveole]]
* [[Gamehelpalveole|Alveole]]
Línea 180: Línea 181:
* [[Gamehelpkhronos|Khronos]]
* [[Gamehelpkhronos|Khronos]]
* [[Gamehelpkingofthepitch|King of the Pitch]]
* [[Gamehelpkingofthepitch|King of the Pitch]]
* [[Gamehelpkingoftokyo|King of Tokyo]]
* [[Gamehelpkingdombuilder|Kingdom Builder]]
* [[Gamehelpkingdombuilder|Kingdom Builder]]
* [[Gamehelpkingdomino|Kingdomino]]
* [[Gamehelpkingdomino|Kingdomino]]
Línea 224: Línea 226:
* [[Gamehelpnautilus|Nautilus]]
* [[Gamehelpnautilus|Nautilus]]
* [[Gamehelpneutreeko|Neutreeko]]
* [[Gamehelpneutreeko|Neutreeko]]
* [[Gamehelpnewfrontiers|New Frontiers]]
* [[Gamehelpniagara|Niágara]]
* [[Gamehelpniagara|Niágara]]
* [[Gamehelpnicodemus|Nicodemus]]
* [[Gamehelpnidavellir|Nidavellir]]
* [[Gamehelpnidavellir|Nidavellir]]
* [[Gamehelpaknile|Nile]]
* [[Gamehelpaknile|Nile]]
Línea 238: Línea 242:
* [[Gamehelponceuponaforest|Once Upon A Forest]]
* [[Gamehelponceuponaforest|Once Upon A Forest]]
* [[Gamehelpone|ONE]]
* [[Gamehelpone|ONE]]
* [[Gamehelponitama|Onitama]]
* [[Gamehelporiflamme|Oriflamme]]
* [[Gamehelporiflamme|Oriflamme]]
* [[Gamehelporigin|Origin]]
* [[Gamehelporigin|Origin]]
Línea 246: Línea 251:
* [[Gamehelppapayoo|Papayoo]]
* [[Gamehelppapayoo|Papayoo]]
* [[Gamehelpparisconnection|Paris Connection]]
* [[Gamehelpparisconnection|Paris Connection]]
* [[Gamehelpparks|PARKS]]
* [[Gamehelppatchwork|Patchwork]]
* [[Gamehelppatchwork|Patchwork]]
* [[Gamehelppedro|Pedro]]
* [[Gamehelppedro|Pedro]]
Línea 325: Línea 331:
* [[Gamehelpcastlesofburgundy|Los Castillos de Borgoña]]
* [[Gamehelpcastlesofburgundy|Los Castillos de Borgoña]]
* [[Gamehelpthecrew|La Tripulación]]
* [[Gamehelpthecrew|La Tripulación]]
* [[Gamehelpthecrewdeepsea|The Crew: Mission Deep Sea]]
* [[Gamehelpthejellymonsterlab|The Jelly Monster Lab]]
* [[Gamehelpthejellymonsterlab|The Jelly Monster Lab]]
* [[Gamehelpkingsguild|The King's Guild]]
* [[Gamehelpkingsguild|The King's Guild]]
Línea 372: Línea 379:
   <td valign="top">
   <td valign="top">
* [[Gamehelpagricola|Agrícola]]
* [[Gamehelpalmadi|Almadi]]
* [[Gamehelpartdecko|Art Decko]]
* [[Gamehelpbang|BANG!]]
* [[Gamehelpbang|BANG!]]
* [[Gamehelpbossquest|Boss Quest]]
* [[Gamehelpcanosa|Canosa]]
* [[Gamehelpcanosa|Canosa]]
* [[Gamehelpchocolatefactory|Chocolate Factory]]
* [[Gamehelpclashofdecks|Clash of Decks]]
* [[Gamehelpcloudcity|Cloud City]]
* [[Gamehelpcloudcity|Cloud City]]
* [[Gamehelpdeus|Deus]]
* [[Gamehelpdicedtomatoes|Diced Tomatoes]]
* [[Gamehelpdicedtomatoes|Diced Tomatoes]]
* [[Gamehelpevl|EVL]]
* [[Gamehelpevl|EVL]]
* [[Gamehelpfaifo|Fai-Fo]]
* [[Gamehelpforex|For-Ex]]
* [[Gamehelpforex|For-Ex]]
* [[Gamehelpguile|Guile]]
* [[Gamehelpguile|Guile]]
* [[Gamehelpharbour|El Puerto]]
* [[Gamehelpharbour|El Puerto]]
* [[Gamehelpkingoftokyo|King of Tokyo]]
* [[Gamehelpimhotep|Imhotep]]
* [[Gamehelpladyschoice|Lady’s Choice]]
* [[Gamehelplineae|Lineae]]
* [[Gamehelplineae|Lineae]]
* [[Gamehelplinkage|Linkage]]
* [[Gamehelplinkage|Linkage]]
* [[Gamehelpliverpoolrummy|Liverpool (Cozy Oaks) Rummy]]
* [[Gamehelpliverpoolrummy|Liverpool (Cozy Oaks) Rummy]]
* [[Gamehelplostexplorers|Exploradores del Mundo Perdido]]
* [[Gamehelplostexplorers|Exploradores del Mundo Perdido]]
* [[Gamehelpnewfrontiers|New Frontiers]]
* [[Gamehelpmascarade|Mascarade]]
* [[Gamehelponitama|Onitama]]
* [[Gamehelpnumberdrop|Number Drop]]
* [[Gamehelppresident|President]]
* [[Gamehelppresident|President]]
* [[Gamehelpqueenskings|Queens and Kings: A Checkers Game]]
* [[Gamehelproomtwentyfive|Room 25]]
* [[Gamehelproomtwentyfive|Room 25]]
* [[Gamehelpstarfluxx|Star Fluxx]]
* [[Gamehelpsenshi|Senshi]]
* [[Gamehelpsenshi|Senshi]]
* [[Gamehelpsheepboombah|Sheep Boom Bah]]
* [[Gamehelpsheepboombah|Sheep Boom Bah]]
* [[Gamehelpsilo|Silo]]
* [[Gamehelpsimilo|Similo]]
* [[Gamehelpsimplicity|Simplicity]]
* [[Gamehelpsimplicity|Simplicity]]
* [[Gamehelptroyesdice|Troyes Dice]]
* [[Gamehelptroyesdice|Troyes Dice]]
* [[Gamehelpultimaterailroads|Ultimate Railroads]]
* [[Gamehelpuptown|Uptown]]
* [[Gamehelpuptown|Uptown]]
Línea 399: Línea 418:
* [[Gamehelpfifteendays|15 days]]
* [[Gamehelpfifteendays|15 days]]
* [[Gamehelpfeastforodin|A Feast for Odin]]
* [[Gamehelpfeastforodin|A Feast for Odin]]
* [[Gamehelpalmadi|Almadi]]
* [[Gamehelpazul|Azul]]
* [[Gamehelpartdecko|Art Decko]]
* [[Gamehelpbaolakiswahili|Bao la Kiswahili]]
* [[Gamehelpbaolakiswahili|Bao la Kiswahili]]
* [[Gamehelpbohnanza|Bohnanza]]
* [[Gamehelpbohnanza|Bohnanza]]
Línea 406: Línea 424:
* [[Gamehelpboomerangeurope|Boomerang: Europe]]
* [[Gamehelpboomerangeurope|Boomerang: Europe]]
* [[Gamehelpboomerangusa|Boomerang: USA]]
* [[Gamehelpboomerangusa|Boomerang: USA]]
* [[Gamehelpbossquest|Boss Quest]]
* [[Gamehelpburglebros|Burgle Bros.]]
* [[Gamehelpburglebros|Burgle Bros.]]
* [[Gamehelpbuyword|Buy Word]]
* [[Gamehelpbuyword|Buy Word]]
* [[Gamehelpcalypso|Calypso]]
* [[Gamehelpcalypso|Calypso]]
* [[Gamehelpcantstopexpress|Can’t Stop Express]]
* [[Gamehelpcantstopexpress|Can’t Stop Express]]
* [[Gamehelpcastleofcalrira|Castle of Calrira]]
* [[Gamehelpcentury|Century: Golem Edition]]
* [[Gamehelpcentury|Century: Golem Edition]]
* [[Gamehelpchampionsofmidgard|Champions of Midgard]]
* [[Gamehelpchampionsofmidgard|Champions of Midgard]]
* [[Gamehelpchicagoexpress|Chicago Express]]
* [[Gamehelpchicagoexpress|Chicago Express]]
* [[Gamehelpchocolatefactory|Chocolate Factory]]
* [[Gamehelpcicerabigia|Cicera Bigia]]
* [[Gamehelpcicerabigia|Cicera Bigia]]
* [[Gamehelpclashofdecks|Clash of Decks]]
* [[Gamehelpcitadels|Citadels]]
* [[Gamehelpcoinage|Coin Age]]
* [[Gamehelpcoinage|Coin Age]]
* [[Gamehelpcrazyeights|Crazy Eights]]
* [[Gamehelpcrazyeights|Crazy Eights]]
* [[Gamehelpdaihasamishogi|Dai Hasami Shogi]]
* [[Gamehelpdaihasamishogi|Dai Hasami Shogi]]
* [[Gamehelpdeus|Deus]]
* [[Gamehelpdurak|Durak]]
* [[Gamehelpdurak|Durak]]
* [[Gamehelpegocentricworld|Egocentric World]]
* [[Gamehelpegocentricworld|Egocentric World]]
Línea 426: Línea 442:
* [[Gamehelpepizodiak|EpiZodiak]]
* [[Gamehelpepizodiak|EpiZodiak]]
* [[Gamehelpfactum|Factum]]
* [[Gamehelpfactum|Factum]]
* [[Gamehelpfaifo|Fai-Fo]]
* [[Gamehelpgaiaproject|Gaia Project]]
* [[Gamehelpgeekoutmasters|Geek Out! Masters]]
* [[Gamehelpgeekoutmasters|Geek Out! Masters]]
* [[Gamehelpgetthemacguffin|Get the MacGuffin]]
* [[Gamehelpgetthemacguffin|Get the MacGuffin]]
Línea 436: Línea 452:
* [[Gamehelpriichimahjong|Japanese (Riichi) Mahjong]]
* [[Gamehelpriichimahjong|Japanese (Riichi) Mahjong]]
* [[Gamehelpkulami|Kulami]]
* [[Gamehelpkulami|Kulami]]
* [[Gamehelpladyandthetiger|Lady and the Tiger]]
* [[Gamehelpmagicmaze|Magic Maze]]
* [[Gamehelpmagicmaze|Magic Maze]]
* [[Gamehelpmahjong|Mahjong]]
* [[Gamehelpmahjong|Mahjong]]
Línea 441: Línea 458:
* [[Gamehelpmantisfalls|Mantis Falls]]
* [[Gamehelpmantisfalls|Mantis Falls]]
* [[Gamehelpmartianchess|Martian Chess]]
* [[Gamehelpmartianchess|Martian Chess]]
* [[Gamehelpmascarade|Mascarade]]
* [[Gamehelpmercadodelisboaste|Mercado de Lisboa]]
* [[Gamehelpmercadodelisboaste|Mercado de Lisboa]]
* [[Gamehelpminnesotawhist|Minnesota Whist]]
* [[Gamehelpminnesotawhist|Minnesota Whist]]
* [[Gamehelpmu|Mu]]
* [[Gamehelpmyfirstcastlepanic|My First Castle Panic]]
* [[Gamehelpmyfirstcastlepanic|My First Castle Panic]]
* [[Gamehelpnainjaune|Nain Jaune]]
* [[Gamehelpnainjaune|Nain Jaune]]
* [[Gamehelpnicodemus|Nicodemus]]
* [[Gamehelpnumberdrop|Number Drop]]
* [[Gamehelppaniclab|Panic Lab]]
* [[Gamehelppaniclab|Panic Lab]]
* [[Gamehelpparks|PARKS]]
* [[Gamehelppente|Pente]]
* [[Gamehelppinochle|Pinochle]]
* [[Gamehelppinochle|Pinochle]]
* [[Gamehelpfixtheteleporter|Please Fix the Teleporter]]
* [[Gamehelpfixtheteleporter|Please Fix the Teleporter]]
* [[Gamehelptexasholdem|Poker Texas Hold'em]]
* [[Gamehelptexasholdem|Poker Texas Hold'em]]
* [[Gamehelppyramidpoker|Pyramid Poker]]
* [[Gamehelppyramidpoker|Pyramid Poker]]
* [[Gamehelpqueenskings|Queens and Kings: A Checkers Game]]
* [[Gamehelprailwaysoftheworld|Railways of the World]]
* [[Gamehelprailwaysoftheworld|Railways of the World]]
* [[Gamehelpriftforce|Riftforce]]
* [[Gamehelpriftforce|Riftforce]]
* [[Gamehelpristiseiska|Ristiseiska]]
* [[Gamehelpschwimmen|Schwimmen]]
* [[Gamehelpschwimmen|Schwimmen]]
* [[Gamehelpscopa|Scopa]]
* [[Gamehelpsensei|Sensei]]
* [[Gamehelpsensei|Sensei]]
* [[Gamehelpninefivetwo|Sergeant Major]]
* [[Gamehelpninefivetwo|Sergeant Major]]
* [[Gamehelpsevens|Sevens]]
* [[Gamehelpsevens|Sevens]]
* [[Gamehelpsimilo|Similo]]
* [[Gamehelpsnekagon|Snekagon]]
* [[Gamehelpsnekagon|Snekagon]]
* [[Gamehelpsnowtime|Snow Time]]
* [[Gamehelpsnowtime|Snow Time]]
* [[Gamehelpspacebase|Space Base]]
* [[Gamehelpspacebase|Space Base]]
* [[Gamehelpspiritsoftheforest|Spirits of the Forest]]
* [[Gamehelpspiritsoftheforest|Spirits of the Forest]]
* [[Gamehelpstarfluxx|Star Fluxx]]
* [[Gamehelpspotit|Spot It]]
* [[Gamehelpsteamrollers|Steam Rollers]]
* [[Gamehelptalon|Talon]]
* [[Gamehelptalon|Talon]]
* [[Gamehelptapestry|Tapestry]]
* [[Gamehelptapestry|Tapestry]]
* [[Gamehelptemplari|Templari]]
* [[Gamehelptemplari|Templari]]
* [[Gamehelptheisleofcats|The Isle of Cats]]
* [[Gamehelptheninedomains|The Nine Domains]]
* [[Gamehelptheninedomains|The Nine Domains]]
* [[Gamehelpthreespot|Three Spot]]
* [[Gamehelpthreespot|Three Spot]]

Revisión del 03:31 28 oct 2021

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Los juegos son juegos y todo depende de los editores para que sean relevantes o precisos para la historia, o no.

Nos centramos en la jugabilidad y las reglas. No somos libros de historia, ni una fuente precisa para nada relacionado con cosas reales.

BGA está en contra de cualquier comportamiento incorrecto sobre personas reales, y nunca NUNCA se unirá, hablará o expondrá nada sobre temas, historia o política.

También hay que tener en cuenta que son una fuente para motivar charlas, reflexiones, intercambios y puntos de vista sobre la historia y la educación en cualquier otro lugar.

Somos una plataforma de juegos, damos la bienvenida a todo el mundo y nos esforzamos diariamente para hacer de este lugar un sitio agradable para jugar a juegos agradables con gente agradable.