This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


De Board Game Arena
Revisión del 06:26 3 sep 2021 de Stewen (discusión | contribs.) (Actualización de la versión en ingles del 02/09/2021)
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Requisitos mínimos del sistema

Este juego 3D requiere un navegador web vagamente moderno (2017 o más reciente: Google Chrome 61+, Firefox 60+, Edge 79+ o Safari 11+) y una tarjeta gráfica que soporte WebGL. Por ejemplo, un ordenador con Windows XP es demasiado antiguo. Si cumples los requisitos mínimos y no puedes cargar el juego, utiliza el sistema de notificación de errores para votar/enviar un informe. Si otro jugador en su mesa no puede cargar el juego, por favor, acepte abandonar sin penalización.

Cómo jugar


1. El primer jugador ofrece 2, 3, o 4 cartas de poder para su selección (dependiendo del número de jugadores). Prueba la opción Configuración rápida para que Board Game Arena lo haga por ti.

2. El primer jugador elige qué potencia iniciará la partida. Sigue nuestra sugerencia para un juego equilibrado.

3. Por orden de turno, cada jugador elige una potencia de las que se ofrecen. El primer jugador recibe la última potencia restante.

4. Quien haya seleccionado la potencia inicial se convierte en el nuevo primer jugador.

5. Cada jugador coloca 2 trabajadores de su color en el tablero.

En tu turno

1. Mueve uno de tus trabajadores a un espacio vecino desocupado. Puedes moverte en cualquiera de las 8 direcciones siempre que no subas más de 1 nivel.

Condición de victoria: Si tu trabajador sube al nivel 3 durante tu turno, ¡ganas!

Condición de pérdida: Si ninguno de tus trabajadores puede moverse, pierdes.

2. Construye un bloque (nivel de tierra, nivel 1, nivel 2) o cúpula (nivel 3) en un espacio desocupado vecino al trabajador desplazado. Puedes construir en cualquier nivel.

Condición de pérdida: Si tu trabajador no puede construir, pierdes.

El corazón del juego son los poderes variables de los jugadores, que ajustan estas reglas básicas para cada jugador. Los Poderes de Dios proporcionan una poderosa habilidad continua mientras que los Poderes de Héroe proporcionan una habilidad de una vez por partida. Prueba la opción Dioses simples para tus primeras partidas.


Sin poderes (2 jugadores)

Con 2 jugadores, es posible jugar el juego sin usar cartas de poder, aunque no lo recomendamos.

Variante del Vellocino de Oro (2 jugadores)

Durante la preparación, los jugadores eligen una carta de poder compartida y la colocan al lado del tablero. Después de colocar los trabajadores, el primer jugador coloca la figura del Carnero dorado en el tablero, y el segundo jugador toma el primer turno. Al comienzo de cada turno, los jugadores vecinos a la figura del Carnero reciben el poder para ese turno. Los jugadores ganan o pierden el poder a lo largo de la partida mientras se mueven por el tablero.

Juego en equipo (4 jugadores)

Con 4 jugadores, equipos de dos jugadores comparten el control de los trabajadores de su color. Cada jugador elige su propia carta de poder y no puede utilizar el poder de su compañero de equipo. Durante la preparación, el primer jugador de cada equipo coloca los trabajadores y el segundo jugador de cada equipo toma el primer turno. Los jugadores ganan o pierden la partida como equipo.


Los siguientes términos tienen un significado especial:

Bloques son las piezas blancas cuadradas de una torre construida en el nivel del suelo, el nivel 1 y el nivel 2.

Las cúpulas son las piezas redondas azules de una torre construida en el nivel 3. Las cúpulas no son bloques.

Las Torres completas están formadas por 3 bloques y una cúpula.

Los espacios desocupados no contienen trabajadores, cúpulas o la figura del Carnero (utilizada sólo en la Variante del Vellocino de Oro).

Mover y Construir son las acciones normales del turno.

Fuerza es una acción especial disponible para algunas potencias. Fuerza no es lo mismo que mover por lo que no activa la condición de victoria normal.

Las fichas son marcadores especiales relacionados con algunos poderes. Las fichas no pueden colocarse en un espacio que esté ocupado o que contenga una ficha. Las fichas se eliminan del tablero cuando se construye sobre ellas.

Diferencias con el juego físico

Si has jugado a este juego de mesa en la vida real, ten en cuenta que se han incorporado pequeños cambios en las reglas del diseñador del juego en la adaptación de BGA para mejorar el equilibrio:

- La configuración ha cambiado. En lugar de elegir el primer jugador, se elige el primer poder.

- El texto de los 12 poderes ha cambiado. Las cartas están claramente marcadas con PODER REVISADO.

Además, la adaptación de BGA tiene una interpretación específica y limitada de "si es posible". Aunque es coherente y está bien definida, puede no coincidir con tu definición de "si es posible" (ten en cuenta también que las reglas oficiales no ofrecen explicaciones ni definiciones relacionadas con "si es posible"). BGA no tiene un complejo motor de búsqueda para analizar el conjunto completo de giros posibles. En su lugar, el "si es posible" se evalúa tardíamente basándose en el estado del tablero en el momento en que se aplicaría la condición. Por ejemplo, los poderes como Adonis o Perséfone que limitan el movimiento del oponente sólo se aplican en el momento en que el oponente necesita moverse. Si el oponente puede, de alguna manera, realizar una acción antes de su fase de movimiento que afecte a sus opciones de movimiento, no impedimos que el jugador realice esta acción para que pueda evitar la restricción de Adonis/Perséfone.

Lista de Poderes (64)

Aquiles, Guerrero volátil
Jugadores: 2 — Poder del héroe
Bloqueado: Circe, Hécate

Tu turno: Once, tu Trabajador construye tanto antes como después de moverse.

Adonis, Devastatingly Handsome
Players: 2 — Hero Power — REVISED POWER
Banned: Artemis, Atalanta, Bellerophon, Castor & Pollux, Charon, Charybdis, Circe, Eris, Hecate, Hermes, Hippolyta, Jason, Nemesis, Prometheus, Proteus, Terpsichore, Triton

End of Your Turn: Once, choose one of your Workers and an opponent Worker. If possible, the Workers must be neighboring at the end of your opponent's next turn.

Aphrodite, Goddess of Love
Players: 2, 4
Banned: Bia, Medusa, Nemesis, Scylla, Theseus, Urania

Any Move: If an opponent Worker starts its turn neighboring one of your Workers, its last move must be to a space neighboring one of your Workers.

Apollo, God Of Music
Players: 2, 3, 4 — Simple God — Golden Fleece Variant

Your Move: Your Worker may move into an opponent Worker's space by forcing their Worker to the space yours just vacated.

Ares, God of War
Players: 2, 3, 4

End of Your Turn: You may remove an unoccupied block (not dome) neighboring your unmoved Worker. You also remove any Tokens on the block.

Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt
Players: 2, 3, 4 — Simple God — Golden Fleece Variant
Banned: Adonis, Persephone

Your Move: Your Worker may move one additional time, but not back to its initial space.

Asteria, Goddess of Falling Stars
Players: 2, 3, 4 — Golden Fleece Variant
Banned: Hades

End of Your Turn: If one of your Workers moved down this turn, you may build a dome in any unoccupied space.

Atalanta, Swift Huntress
Players: 2 — Hero Power
Banned: Adonis, Circe, Hecate, Persephone

Your Move: Once, your Worker moves any number of additional times.

Athena, Goddess of Wisdom
Players: 2, 3, 4 — Simple God

Opponent's Turn: If one of your Workers moved up on your last turn, opponent Workers cannot move up this turn.

Atlas, Titan Shouldering the Heavens
Players: 2, 3, 4 — Simple God — Golden Fleece Variant
Banned: Gaea

Your Build: Your Worker may build a dome at any level.

Bellerophon, Tamer of Pegasus
Players: 2 — Hero Power
Banned: Adonis, Circe, Hecate, Persephone

Your Move: Once, your Worker moves up two levels.

Bia, Goddess of Violence
Players: 2, 3, 4 — Golden Fleece Variant — REVISED POWER
Banned: Aphrodite, Nemesis, Tartarus

Setup: Place your Workers first. Your workers must be placed in perimeter spaces.

Your Move: If your Worker moves into a space and the next space in the same direction is occupied by an opponent Worker, the opponent's Worker is removed from the game.

Castor & Pollux, Divine & Mortal Twins
Players: 2, 3, 4 — Golden Fleece Variant
Banned: Adonis, Persephone

Alternative Turn: Move with all of your Workers. Do not build.

Alternative Turn: Do not move. Build with all of your Workers.

Chaos, Primordial Nothingness
Players: 2, 3, 4
Banned: Hecate, Nyx

Setup: Shuffle all unused Simple God Powers into a face-down deck in your play area. Draw the top God Power, and place it face-up beside the deck.

Any Time: You have the Power of the face-up God Power. You must discard your current God Power and draw a new one after any turn in which at least one dome is built. If you run out of God Powers, shuffle them to create a new deck and draw the top one.

Charon, Ferryman to the Underworld
Players: 2, 3, 4 — Golden Fleece Variant
Banned: Adonis, Hecate, Persephone

Your Move: Before your Worker moves, you may force a neighboring opponent Worker to the space directly on the other side of your Worker, if that space is unoccupied.

Charybdis, Whirlpool Monster
Players: 2, 3, 4 — REVISED POWER
Banned: Adonis, Harpies, Hecate, Persephone

Setup: Place 2 Whirlpool Tokens on your God Power card.

End of Your Turn: You may place a Whirlpool Token from your God Power card on any unoccupied space on the board.

Any Time: If a Worker moves onto a Whirlpool and the other Whirlpool is on the board in an unoccupied space, it is forced to the other Whirlpool's space. In this case, the player cannot win by moving their Worker to the first Whirlpool's space but can win as if it had moved up to the second space. Whirlpool Tokens built on or removed are returned to your God Power card.

Chronus, God of Time
Players: 2
Banned: Nyx

Win Condition: You also win when there are at least five Complete Towers on the board.

Circe, Divine Enchantress
Players: 2
Banned: Achilles, Adonis, Atalanta, Bellerophon, Clio, Eros, Gaea, Graeae, Hecate, Heracles, Jason, Medea, Nyx, Odysseus, Polyphemus, Proteus, Tartarus, Theseus

Start of Your Turn: If an opponent's Workers do not neighbor each other, you alone have use of their power until your next turn.

Clio, Muse of History
Players: 2, 3
Banned: Circe, Nemesis

Your Build: Place a Coin Token on each of the first 3 blocks your Workers build.

Opponent's Turn: Opponents treat spaces containing your Coin Tokens as if they contain only a dome.

Demeter, Goddess of the Harvest
Players: 2, 3, 4 — Simple God — Golden Fleece Variant

Your Build: Your Worker may build one additional time, but not on the same space.

Dionysus, God of Wine
Players: 2, 3, 4 — Golden Fleece Variant
Banned: Hecate, Nyx

Your Build: Each time a Worker you control creates a Complete Tower, you may take an additional turn using an opponent Worker instead of your own. No player can win during these additional turns.

Eris, Goddess of Discord
Players: 2, 4 — Golden Fleece Variant
Banned: Adonis, Hecate, Persephone, Tartarus

Alternative Turn: Move and build with an opponent Worker that was not the one your opponent most recently moved.

Eros, God of Desire
Players: 2, 3, 4
Banned: Circe

Setup: Place your Workers anywhere along opposite edges of the board.

Win Condition: You also win if one of your Workers moves to a space neighboring your other Worker and both are on the first level (or the same level in a 3-player game).

Europa & Talus, Queen & Guardian Automaton
Players: 2, 3, 4

Setup: Place the Talus Token on your God Power card.

End of Your Turn: You may relocate your Talus Token to an unoccupied space neighboring the Worker that moved.

Any Time: All players treat the space containing the Talus Token as if it contains only a dome.

Gaea, Goddess of the Earth
Players: 2, 3
Banned: Atlas, Circe, Nemesis, Selene

Setup: Place 2 extra Workers of your color on your God Power card.

Any Build: When a Worker builds a dome, Gaea may immediately place a Worker from her God Power card onto a ground-level space neighboring the dome.

Graeae, The Gray Hags
Players: 2, 3 — REVISED POWER
Banned: Circe, Nemesis

Setup: When placing your Workers, place 3 of your color.

Your Build: Build with either Worker that did not move.

Hades, God of the Underworld
Players: 2, 3, 4 — Golden Fleece Variant
Banned: Asteria, Pan

Opponent's Turn: Opponent Workers cannot move down.

Harpies, Winged Menaces
Players: 2, 3, 4 — Golden Fleece Variant
Banned: Charybdis, Hermes, Maenads, Tartarus, Triton

Opponent's Turn: Each time an opponent's Worker moves, it is forced space by space in the same direction until the next space is at a higher level or it is obstructed.

Hecate, Goddess of Magic
Players: 2
Banned: Achilles, Adonis, Atalanta, Bellerophon, Chaos, Charon, Charybdis, Circe, Dionysus, Eris, Heracles, Hydra, Iris, Jason, Medea, Nemesis, Nyx, Odysseus, Polyphemus, Scylla, Tartarus, Theseus

Setup: Secretly place your Workers last. Your Workers are invisible to other players.

Any Time: If an opponent attempts an action that would not be legal due to the presence of your secret Workers, their action is cancelled and they lose the rest of their turn.

Hephaestus, God of Blacksmiths
Players: 2, 3, 4 — Simple God — Golden Fleece Variant

Your Build: Your Worker may build one additional block (not dome) on top of your first block.

Hera, Goddess of Marriage
Players: 2, 3, 4 — Golden Fleece Variant

Opponent's Turn: An opponent cannot win by moving into a perimeter space.

Heracles, Doer of Great Deeds
Players: 2 — Hero Power — REVISED POWER
Banned: Circe, Hecate

Alternative Build: Once, both your Workers build any number of domes (even zero) at any level.

Hermes, God of Travel
Players: 2, 3, 4 — Simple God — Golden Fleece Variant
Banned: Adonis, Harpies, Persephone

Your Turn: If your Workers do not move up or down, they may each move any number of times (even zero), and then either builds.

Hestia, Goddess of Hearth and Home
Players: 2, 3, 4 — Golden Fleece Variant

Your Build: Your Worker may build one additional time, but this cannot be on a perimeter space.

Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons
Players: 2, 3, 4 — Golden Fleece Variant
Banned: Adonis, Persephone

Any Time: All Workers except your female Worker may only move diagonally.

Hydra, Many-Headed Monster
Players: 2, 3
Banned: Hecate

End of Your Turn: If none of your Workers neighbor each other, gain a new Worker and place it in one of the lowest unoccupied spaces next to the Worker you moved. Otherwise, remove one of your Workers from play.

Hypnus, God of Sleep
Players: 2, 3, 4 — Golden Fleece Variant
Banned: Terpsichore

Start of Opponent's Turn: If one of your opponent's Workers is higher than all of their others, it cannot move.

Iris, Goddess of the Rainbow
Players: 2, 3, 4 — Golden Fleece Variant
Banned: Hecate

Your Move: If there is a Worker neighboring your Worker and the space directly on the other side of it is unoccupied, your Worker may move to that space regardless of its level.

Jason, Leader of the Argonauts
Players: 2 — Hero Power — REVISED POWER
Banned: Adonis, Circe, Hecate, Persephone

Setup: Place an extra Worker of your color on your God Power card.

Alternative Turn: Once, place your extra Worker on an unoccupied ground-level perimeter space. Then move and build with this Worker.

Limus, Goddess of Famine
Players: 2, 3, 4 — Golden Fleece Variant — REVISED POWER
Banned: Terpsichore

Opponent's Turn: Opponent Workers cannot build on spaces neighboring your Workers, unless building a dome.

Maenads, Raving Ones
Players: 2, 3, 4
Banned: Harpies

End of Your Turn: If your Workers neighbor an opponent's Worker on opposite sides, that opponent loses the game.

Medea, Powerful Sorceress
Players: 2 — Hero Power — REVISED POWER
Banned: Circe, Hecate

End of Your Turn: Once, remove all blocks from under a Worker neighboring either of your Workers. You also remove any Tokens on the blocks.

Medusa, Petrifying Gorgon
Players: 2, 3, 4 — Golden Fleece Variant
Banned: Aphrodite, Nemesis

End of Your Turn: If possible, your Workers build in lower neighboring spaces that are occupied by opponent Workers, removing the opponent Workers from the game.

Minotaur, Bull-headed Monster
Players: 2, 3, 4 — Simple God — Golden Fleece Variant

Your Move: Your Worker may move into an opponent Worker's space, if their Worker can be forced one space straight backwards to an unoccupied space at any level.

Morpheus, God of Dreams
Players: 2, 3, 4

Start of Your Turn: Place a coin on your God Power card.

Your Build: Your Worker cannot build as normal. Instead, spend any number of coins from your God Power card (even zero) and build that many times.

Nemesis, Goddess of Retribution
Players: 2, 3, 4 — REVISED POWER
Banned: Adonis, Aphrodite, Bia, Clio, Gaea, Graeae, Hecate, Medusa, Terpsichore, Theseus

End of Your Turn: If none of an opponent's Workers neighbor yours, you may force both of your Workers to spaces occupied by two of an opponent's Workers, and vice versa.

Nyx, Goddess of Night
Players: 2
Banned: Chaos, Chronus, Circe, Dionysus, Hecate

Setup: Before players choose powers, the first player selects a God Power card to be Nyx's Night Power.

End of All Turns: If there are an odd number of Complete Towers in play, gain your Night Power and your opponent loses their God Power. If there are an even number of Complete Towers, lose your Night Power and your opponent gains their God Power.

Odysseus, Cunning Leader
Players: 2 — Hero Power
Banned: Circe, Hecate

Start of Your Turn: Once, force to unoccupied corner spaces any number of opponent Workers that neighbor your Workers.

Pan, God of the Wild
Players: 2, 3, 4 — Simple God — Golden Fleece Variant
Banned: Hades

Win Condition: You also win if your Worker moves down two or more levels.

Pegasus, Winged Horse
Players: 2, 3, 4 — Golden Fleece Variant

Your Move: Your Worker may move up more than one level, but cannot win the game by doing so.

Persephone, Goddess of Spring Growth
Players: 2, 3, 4 — Golden Fleece Variant
Banned: Artemis, Atalanta, Bellerophon, Castor & Pollux, Charon, Charybdis, Eris, Hermes, Hippolyta, Jason, Prometheus, Terpsichore, Triton

Opponent's Turn: If possible, at least one Worker must move up this turn.

Polyphemus, Gigantic Cyclops
Players: 2 — Hero Power
Banned: Circe, Hecate

End of Your Turn: Once, your Worker builds up to 2 domes at any level on any unoccupied spaces on the board.

Poseidon, God of the Sea
Players: 2, 3, 4 — Golden Fleece Variant

End of Your Turn: If your unmoved Worker is on the ground level, it may build up to three times.

Prometheus, Titan Benefactor of Mankind
Players: 2, 3, 4 — Simple God — Golden Fleece Variant
Banned: Adonis, Persephone

Your Turn: If your Worker does not move up, it may build both before and after moving.

Proteus, Shapeshifting Sea God
Players: 2, 3 — REVISED POWER
Banned: Adonis, Circe

Setup: When placing your Workers, place 3 of your color.

Your Move: After your Worker moves, if possible, force one of your other Workers into the space just vacated.

Scylla, Menacing Sea Monster
Players: 2, 4 — Golden Fleece Variant
Banned: Aphrodite, Hecate

Your Move: If your Worker moves from a space that neighbors an opponent's Worker, you may force their Worker into the space yours just vacated.

Selene, Goddess of the Moon
Players: 2, 3, 4 — Golden Fleece Variant
Banned: Gaea

Alternative Build: Your female Worker may build a dome at any level regardless of which Worker moved.

Tartarus, God of the Abyss
Players: 2
Banned: Bia, Circe, Eris, Harpies, Hecate, Terpsichore

Setup: Place your Workers first. After all players' Workers are placed, secretly place the Abyss Token on an unoccupied space. This space is the Abyss.

Lose Condition: If any player's Worker enters the Abyss, they immediately lose. Workers cannot win by entering the Abyss.

Terpsichore, Muse of Dancing
Players: 2, 3, 4 — Golden Fleece Variant
Banned: Adonis, Hypnus, Limus, Nemesis, Persephone, Tartarus

Your Turn: All of your Workers must move, and then all must build.

Theseus, Slayer of the Minotaur
Players: 2 — Hero Power
Banned: Aphrodite, Circe, Hecate, Nemesis

End of Your Turn: Once, if any of your Workers is exactly 2 levels below any neighboring opponent Workers, remove one of those opponent Workers from play.

Triton, God of the Waves
Players: 2, 3, 4 — Golden Fleece Variant
Banned: Adonis, Harpies, Persephone

Your Move: Each time your Worker moves into a perimeter space, it may immediately move again.

Tyche, Goddess of Fortune
Players: 2, 3, 4

Setup: Shuffle a deck of 6 cards in your play area.

End of Your Turn: Draw the top card of your deck. If it is 1 - 5, discard it. If it is 6, reshuffle your deck and you may take an additional turn. On that additional turn, do not draw the top card from your deck.

Urania, Muse of Astronomy
Players: 2, 3, 4 — Golden Fleece Variant
Banned: Aphrodite

Your Turn: When your Worker moves or builds, treat opposite edges and corners as if they are adjacent so that every space has 8 neighbors.

Zeus, God of the Sky
Players: 2, 3, 4 — Golden Fleece Variant

Your Build: Your Worker may build a block under itself.