This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !


De Board Game Arena
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   Locomotoras de 6 colores.
   Cada color representa una compañía ferroviaria diferente.
   Cada jugador recibe de manera aleatoria un suministro de 5-10 locomotoras, dependiendo del número de jugadores:
   Locomotoras Suministro
   3 jugadores 10 locomotoras
   4 jugadores  8 locomotoras
   5 jugadores  6 locomotoras
   6 jugadores  5 locomotoras
   Estas locomotoras representan la cartera de acciones del jugador y deben permanecer ocultas tras la pantalla de cada jugador.
   El resto de locomotoras se colocan en los tableros de almacén de sus respectivos colores.

Turno del jugador

   En cada turno el jugador activo debe Construir un recorrido o Comerciar:

Construir recorrido

   El jugador activo toma de 1 a 5 locomotoras de cualquier tablero de almacén de locomotoras, y las coloca en el mapa.
   La colocación debe respetar las siguientes reglas:
       La nueva locomotora debe colocarse de manera adyacente a otra locomotora del mismo color ya colocada.
       Los hexágonos separados por líneas rojas y blancas en el tablero, no se consideran adyacentes y no se pueden cruzar.
       Dos locomotoras del mismo color no pueden compartir el mismo hexágono.
       Un hexágono de campo puede contener dos locomotoras de diferente color, mientras que los hexágonos de ciudad solo pueden contener una única locomotora.
       The Eiffel tower hex cannot be occupied.
       A locomotive cannot be placed in such a way that it would completely "cut off" another colour, unless that colour has already reached at least one city.
   When each locomotive is placed, it may be worth points for that company:
   Points per hex 0 points 	Rural hex
   1 point 	Beige city
   2 points 	Purple city
   3 points 	Red city
   4 points 	Blue city (Marseille) 
   The value of each company is immediately updated with these points when a train is placed.


   The active player returns 1 locomotive of one company to a storing board, then receives 1 or 2 locomotives of an another company to put behind their player screen.
   The returned locomotive(s) must be from a different storing board (company).
   Locomotives taken and placed behind a player screen represent shares in a company.
   Depending on the number of players, a player may only have a certain maximum of locomotives.
   A player is not prevented from taking more, but this will result in a scoring penalty at the end of the game.
   'Maximum' locomotives 3 players 	20 locomotives
   4 players 	15 locomotives
   5 players 	12 locomotives
   6 players 	10 locomotives 

End of Game

   The game ends immediately when:
       There are locomotives on only one of the storing boards
       A locomotive has been placed in Marseille

End Game Scoring

   Players score Victory Points by multiplying their shares in a company by the value of the company.
       This is done for each railway company (colour), and these are then totalled together.
   Any player with more than the maximum number of locomotives also subtracts 20 VP for each extra locomotive above this limit.
   The player with the most points is the winner.
   In case of a tie, there are several winners.

Game preferences

   To make the game more accessible for colourblind players, you can enable the Colour Accessible option to add distinctive patterns to the trains.